
Friday, February 28, 2014


I'm excited to say I will be participating in the MD/DE/WV SCBWI conference on March 29th in Maryland. SCBWI conferences are such great opportunities for writers to meet editors and agents face to face and get personal feedback and to network with other authors...perhaps find a new critique partner!

Are you an SCBWI member of the Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia chapter? Registration is live so check it out here, see who is presenting and take a look at the schedule! If you're not a member of SCBWI I'd really recommend it. Check out your local SCBWI chapter's webpage. Most chapters have one. Find yours here

For those who aren't familiar with SCBWI, it stands for Society of Childrens Book Writers and Illustrators. Most chapters have annual or even semi-annual conferences where writers can connect with industry professionals. They often also have group sessions and things like that just for writers throughout the year. 

Anyway back the the MD/DE/WV conference....I am leading a workshop on Fantasy Writing. Here's my blurb for the conference and showcases what I will be discussing. I also will be doing a panel and critiques. My critique slots, however, are already full. 

Fantasy Writing: From World-Building to Querying
How do you come up with unique ideas for a fantasy project and create compelling characters in today’s competitive market? Christa offers her ideas along with tips on world-building and writing within the genre for middle grade and YA audiences.  The difference between writing for adult and middle-grade/teen audiences within fantasy, and suggestions on querying, word count etc will also be addressed.

I plan on posting key points from my workshop on my blog afterward so that even if you can't make it you can learn more about fantasy writing, if that's your genre of choice! 

Hope to see some of you at the conference!

1 comment:

  1. Alas, I live out west. But I look forward to your key points on world building and writing fantasy for the younger crowd! I love to read and write in that genre and it's always great to learn something new. Good luck with your preparation and have fun!
